Not a bad day at all except for the "Dirty 2:30", that time of day when all patients converge upon us. They are usually pretty sick people that require a ton of stuff. Gack. I hate the day shift. The only good thing was that Parvati was supposed to be working but she phoned in dead or rude or some sh*t. Can't say that I missed her.
I had a nice 19 year old who came by with a foot laceration. He was riding a little motorbike thing and not his usual dirt bike, although he was suited up in some sort of cool little biking ensemble. A big stick had penetrated his tennis shoe. Damn. Meant to put on those boots, but forgot. He had a nice big laceration with a small quantity of twig sticking out of it. Dude had a couple of friends with him; sure, they can come in while we stitch you up.
19 year old boys can be quite funny. Dude's buddies were like, snowboarding East Coast valley boys, or like some sh*t? Dude's cut was soooooo gross, you know? Dude's friends, predictably, deployed their iPhones to snap photos and ER vid. "I'd better not see this on, like, Youtube?", I warned them, but smiled as I said it. I adjusted the overhead light and put a paper ruler next to the laceration for the best photos. I've done this a time or two. Dude' one friend teased, like, the other one? 'Cause he, you know, hates blood? Duuuuuuuuuuuude!!
Once he was stitched up I wrapped it up with a bunch of dressing material and gave him a post-op shoe. Dude's friend was like, "Whoa, that's like really sweet wrappage!"
Yeah, gonna totally chart it that way. Sweet.