Tuesday, October 23, 2018

In which we are screaming, but nobody can hear us

Our admins were absolutely skewered on the latest round of employee satisfaction scores.  For added fun, this year we were also given an opportunity to evaluate our director.  Some of the comments were shared during a staff meeting.  Meetings are administrative crack.  If it's not working, by all means, have a meeting or 12. The bosses appeared shamefaced, bewildered, confused.  

"Drowning, send lifeboats"
"Administrative puppet"
"Not an advocate for nurses"
"We have a director??"
"In your opinion, is there anything we do RIGHT?"

That explains why the director has been out and about in the department, "visible" more in the last 2 days than at any time in the last 12 month 5 years.  She was not out of her rat hole office to help.   She was certainly not dressed for patient care, in her sharp little booties and lab coat.  Why do admins wear lab coats if they never do anything to get dirty, such as:

start an IV, surely you remember how.
answer some call lights.  
deliver a couple of meal trays, get some blankets, walk someone to the bathroom.

Instead, we have to take time away from our task to make inane conversation about HOW ANOTHER AWARD MADE UP BY ADMINS WOULD MAKE US FEEL MORE VALUED.  

SOO looking forward to next year's roast.  Doubt they will make this an annual event, though.  


Oldfoolrn said...

Some things never change. Nurse office sitters have long been the bane of a bedside nurse's existence. Most nursing administrators have a unique blend of arrogance and ignorance that make them a real threat to patients.

I was shocked at a critical care equipment exhibition when one of these "nurse leaders" began interpreting a monitor by identifying QRS complexes on an arterial line wave form. It's better for all parties if they stay holed up in their offices. Another tip; avoid meetings at all cost.

Aesop said...

"The unappreciated, managed by the unknowing, for the pleasure of the uncaring, to care for the unwashed."

See if you can guess why I was kicked off the Core Values Mission Statement draft committee, and still have the heelprints in my scrub bottoms to prove it.

EDNurseasauras said...

How great that they showed you just how hugely unappreciated you were. I haven't been on a committee since 1999 for similar reasons.