Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Because This is JUST What a Busy ER Needs…….

More cowbell.


Aesop said...

I am so going to the music store and buying a cowbell for work now.

EDNurseasauras said...

Well, I had some down time, and to appear busy (not looking over the orientation packet that never got completed) I started rummaging through the drawers. I came up with cow bell and a 12-pack of mini bubbles. Nobody says "we need more bubbles!" unless they are 5 and in the bathtub.

Aesop said...

You have obviously missed the singular joy of walking a freshly de-loused homeless person from the decon shower back to the triage exam cubicle while blowing soap bubbles up in the air over their heads, and seen the watching residents and staff nurses shoot hot coffee out their nostrils at the sight.

At 3AM, fun is where you find it.

EDNurseasauras said...

Haha, yep it is!!